DRIVEN Professionals have been learning about energy and how to personally manage it in order to perform optimally in our careers. During this September’s discussion over dinner, we’re adding a special dimension to energy: Frequency. Have you heard about this phenomenon yet? We hadn’t until last year, and now it seems to be popping up all over the place. Frequency, in this case, is the measurable rate of electrical energy that’s constantly flowing between any two points. Everything and everyone emits and receives frequency. But get this: When your frequency is high, you feel healthy, refreshed and energized….and it shows! The trick is how to embrace a lifestyle that promotes a positive energy field and keeps you connected to, not separated from, the universe.
Want in on this energetic discussion? It will take place over a healthful meal, home-cooked by DRIVEN founder Deborah Goldstein, and paired with hand-chosen wines (Turns out, one of the ways to improve frequency is by consuming healthy food). You’ll walk away from this exclusive Real Talk, Real Food event refreshed and raring to go, complete with a new outlook on personal energy!
6:00 – 6:30pm: Networking and Noshing
6:30pm –8pm: Dinner & Discussion
8-9pm: Networking
If you have any dietary restrictions/food allergies, please inform us in advance. We will take appropriate measures to accommodate your situation.
Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne, as tasting wine is 80 to 90% smelling the wine.
The Fine Print: Photographs and video will be taken at the event for use on the DRIVEN Professionals website and social media outlets as well as future marketing materials. By entering this event, you consent to DRIVEN Professionals potentially using your image and likeness.
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