My Lunch With Mandeep: A Glimpse Into The Mind Of An Emotional Superhero
In July of 2015, I had lunch with an admired colleague at Vitae on E 46th Street. Mandeep Trivedi, a leader in valuation and forensic services at Citrin Cooperman and member of the Savvy Ladies Board...
View ArticleKilling Me Slowly: Why Eating Lunch At Your Desk Is A Bad Idea
Have you ever eaten lunch right at your desk, with the intention of “getting ahead”? Has it become a common way to spend your lunchtime? If so, I have a wake-up call for you: This feeble attempt at...
View ArticleSomething’s Gotta Give: My Initiative For Fragrance-Neutral Dining
The restaurant business. I know it well, from both sides of the table. I’ve done my share of dining out, for business and for sport. I’ve proudly been part of the wait staff at several of NYC’s most...
View ArticleLeveraging Friendships In Business: 5 Tips For The Good-Intentioned
Warren Buffet once implied in a quote that, as a company, when you don’t consider hiring women, you’re limiting yourself to half the talent. Now, think of this in terms of business network contacts....
View ArticleBlock It Out: How A Simple Time Log Can Restore Maximum Workday Productivity,...
Who isn’t tired of feeling that unrelenting low dose of angst pulsing through their body? Sounds like you? Have you gotten so accustomed to the feeling of being “busy” and concerning yourself with...
View ArticleLive Workshop: Real Talk, Real Food: What’s Your Personal Frequency?
DRIVEN Professionals have been learning about energy and how to personally manage it in order to perform optimally in our careers. During this September’s discussion over dinner, we’re adding a special...
View ArticleLive Workshop: Real Talk/Real Food: The Realities of Luck
Are you feelin’ lucky? Or perhaps a more serious question is, does luck exist, and if so, are you one of the lucky ones? Taking this inquiry one step further, can luck be learned, or do we need to be...
View ArticleLive Workshop: Real Talk/Real Food: The Power of Intuition
Intuition is a fascinating phenomenon. It is one of our great assets, yet it’s seldom acknowledged or adhered to. This can be especially true in the careers of corporate folks. After all, professionals...
View ArticleA Building Block for Workplace Trust: Looking Through Johari’s Window
Along the path toward workplace optimization, it’s wise to be open to some communication techniques that may have seemed radical as recently as last decade. Having already witnessed many 21st-century...
View ArticleWorkplace Communications 2.0: Connecting Through Safe Rapport
As professionals, when we begin to learn the art of connecting with others, the advantages of trust and empathy are revealed. As illustrated through Johari’s Window in a recent DRIVEN article, sharing...
View ArticleSocial Intimacy: A Sure Bet For Achieving Workplace Trust
Who knew the simple word “trust” had such a complex, multifaceted connotation?! I began to suspect it after studying Maister’s Trust Equation, which has gone on to become one of my trusty templates for...
View ArticleLive Workshop: Real Talk/Real Food: Raising Your Personal Frequency
Frequency. It’s the new quinoa! Among other discoveries during a recent Real Talk/Real Food event, attendees concluded that when personal frequency is high, one’s energy is refreshed and sharp. This...
View ArticleLive Workshop: Real Talk/Real Food: The Power of Grit & Resilience
DRIVEN uses our very own training platform GRACE In The Workplace™ to inspire and generate authentic women’s leadership in business. GRACE, which is an acronym for Grit, Resilience, Authenticity,...
View ArticleVirtual Workshop: Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
Within everyone lurks a subconscious bias. First impressions in particular are loaded with bias, and misjudgment only perpetuates from there. It is in our nature to draw bias-laden conclusions about...
View ArticleVirtual Workshop: Introducing GRACE in the Workplace
There is much documented research to suggest that women face unique challenges within corporate culture. The response from DRIVEN Professionals is an action-oriented solution known as GRACE in the...
View ArticleGetting Engaged: How Being Mindful of the Present Can Transform Your Career
Over the first quarter of 2017, you may have picked up on the fact that working in a trust-deficient environment creates a certain social toxicity which places the amygdala on high alert. When this...
View ArticleMindfulness Matters: The Nuts ‘N Bolts of Being In The Present
After reading my article Getting Engaged: How Being Mindful Of The Present Can Transform Your Career, have you taken note of how often you think about the past or worry about the future? One of its...
View Article3 Degrees of Separation: You Are THIS Close To Controlling Your Own Emotions!
Last week, I think I may have heard a groan as you read about self-imposed distractions. I could imagine the emotional turmoil in contemplating how you distract yourself as much as you’re distracted by...
View ArticleGetting Co-Creative: The Art of Becoming Mindful of Your Colleagues’ Emotions
Have you ever noticed that when you learn a new trendy word, you start hearing the word used all the time? A similar thing just happened to me with a car color. The VW Beetle now comes in a soothing...
View ArticleKeeping It Together: How Self-Regulation Can Prevent Embarrassment and Save...
You are in control. The opportunity to create strong and safe relationships at the office and across departments is yours for the taking. You may ask: How could something that so few professionals have...
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