Frequency. It’s the new quinoa! Among other discoveries during a recent Real Talk/Real Food event, attendees concluded that when personal frequency is high, one’s energy is refreshed and sharp. This can go a long way toward leveraging our strengths and breaking through barriers to career success. But let’s face it: Our frequency isn’t always high. At times our hearts are heavy, and our bodies can become lethargic. How often have you figuratively thrown your hands up and said “Ughhh…why is everything is so hard”? Occasionally, we’re so toxic that we want to throttle a coworker!
But let’s think positively, folks. The golden rule is, if we can name it, we can address it. While it’s clear that personal frequency does dip at times, it’s within our capacity deliberately raise our frequency, both in the short-term and over the long haul, thereby creating a new frequency “set point”. At DRIVEN’s April 19th Real Talk/Real Food event, that’s just what we’ll investigate! Join us for this intimate discussion over fine wine and a healthful meal prepared by Deborah Goldstein. You’ll be among a select few to learn how to mindfully raise your personal frequency and liberate yourself from the constraints of inner toxicity.
6:00 – 6:30pm: Networking and Noshing
6:30pm – 8pm: Dinner & Discussion
8 – 9pm: Networking
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