DRIVEN uses our very own training platform GRACE In The Workplace™ to inspire and generate authentic women’s leadership in business. GRACE, which is an acronym for Grit, Resilience, Authenticity, Confidence and EQ, neatly encapsulates the strengths that, once refined, can unleash a professional woman’s true career potential. During our May 11th Real Talk/Real Food discussion, we’ll start by unpacking the G and the R.
The words Grit and Resilience seem to be tossed around matter-of-factly in the media these days, but there’s an intangible essence to the concepts behind these words. How does one develop Grit and Resilience? Are these assets exclusive to the fortunate among us who were born with them, or can they be learned by anyone? We’ll then take it a step further by tying in Grit and Resilience with the topic of a recent Real Talk/Real food event: Personal Frequency. Can these traits lead to the shifts of mind and body that raise our frequency and improve our relationships? And can the positive results bleed over from our careers to our family lives? Join us as we embark on this existential journey over some fine wines and a home-cooked dinner. The goal will be to come away feeling prepared to take on the world!
6:00 – 6:30pm: Networking and Noshing
6:30pm – 8pm: Dinner & Discussion
8 – 9pm: Networking
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