As it turns out, the biggest roadblock to career success is sitting between your ears. It’s your own mind! This marvel of nature, which is perhaps the most complex and efficient tool in the universe, also has the tendency to cast doubt on its own abilities and hold you back from reaching your aspirations. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”.
Ready for the bright side? Your thinking can also shape your future reality in positive ways, and it’s all within your control. Thanks to fMRI-based research, we now understand the phenomenon of neuroplasticity and the powerful results achieved by those who can “brainwash” themselves to achieve their goals. This means that you truly have the power to create our own destiny, or at least part of it.
During DRIVEN’s October Real Talk/Real Food dinner event, the topic of brainwashing yourself to success will help you visualize your own personal version of career success and execute that vision through neuroplasticity. This intimate discussion will take place over a home-cooked meal*** paired with exciting wines and will have you rubbing elbows with other DRIVEN professionals with thoughtful ambitions. We hope you’ll join us!
***Please inform us if you have any dietary restrictions, allergies or aversions.
6:00pm–6:30pm: Networking and Noshing
6:30pm-8:00pm: Dinner & Discussion
8:00pm-9:00pm: Networking
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