Most of us suffer, at least at times, from the Impostor Syndrome. Yet each of us thinks we’re the only one. Between an innate negativity bias, self-imposed perfectionism, and a deeply-rooted fear of embarrassment or failure, it’s no wonder why stretching out of your comfort zone is such a tense and lonely decision. Worse still, when you finally find your moment to stretch, you’re more likely to talk yourself down instead of psyching yourself up.
The Impostor lurks within us all, and it rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times. But once you understand the genesis of these unnecessary thoughts, and recognize when the tendency lurks, you can drown it out with its own antidote: Confidence! That’s right. Confidence is the Impostor’s “kryptonite”. And during February’s OfficeHours, you’ll be invited to share your own experiences with the Impostor Syndrome and hear how others have been affected and manage their struggles with their impostors. DRIVEN founder and CEO Deborah Goldstein will lead the session and will share her experiences with the Impostor Syndrome and how she tapped into her confidence to not only thrive, but to fly!
Additionally, we’ll root out the truths, including the brain science behind the Impostor’s mischief. We’ll also share some techniques to build your confidence muscle so you can retrain your brain to alert itself when you may be vulnerable. Before you know it, you’ll be showing that shadow of doubt who’s boss.
We invite you to join the conversation, prepared to share your own stories, challenges and triumphs over the impostor that lives within. Simply register by following this link.
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