It’s in our nature to spend most of our waking hours living in the past. This, of course, prompts guilt, regret and shame. These, however, are wasted emotions, which only serve to cause isolation, loneliness, and the feeling of being “not enough”. But when recognized as life lessons and learning opportunities, both gentle and harsh, guilt and regret turn into wise learnings that lead to a healthier and more fulfilled future.
During a very special July OfficeHours, DRIVEN founder Deborah Goldstein will explore how to release emotions from the past that don’t serve us. She’ll offer enlightened insight on how to leave behind some of the extra weight that shame, guilt and regret add to our everyday burdens— something we’re not always aware of. Additionally, she’ll illustrate how despite the screams from our inner critics, these pesky naysayers can be reasoned with when we show ourselves compassion and inject a healthy dose of perspective.
The motivation for living mindfully, which means “in the present”, will be enhanced with some interesting facts about how we remember history, or more accurately, distort history, which is pliable and tricky. Join us for an opportunity to see the world a bit more clearly, accurately, and mindfully. Register by following this link.
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